Gestern waren Aidan und ich in Dresden. Es war wirklich schön, ich habe früher dort sehr viel Zeit verbracht da meine halbe Familie dort wohnt, und es tat gut mal wieder dagewesen zu sein. Wir haben keine Bilder geschossen, ich neige oft dazu das zu vergessen.
Die folgenden Bilder habe ich noch bei meinen Eltern gemacht:
Yesterday, Aidan and I went to Dresden. It was really nice, I used to spend a lot of time there as half of my family lives there, and it was good to be back. We didn't take any pictures, I always forget things like that.
I took the following pictures while I was at my parent's house:

Die folgenden Bilder habe ich noch bei meinen Eltern gemacht:
Yesterday, Aidan and I went to Dresden. It was really nice, I used to spend a lot of time there as half of my family lives there, and it was good to be back. We didn't take any pictures, I always forget things like that.
I took the following pictures while I was at my parent's house:

Cardigan: Madonna, 8,50 €
Top: New Yorker, 1,95 €
Skirt: H&M, 9 €
Leggins: X-bags, 5 €
Boots: Vagabond, 60 €
Top: New Yorker, 1,95 €
Skirt: H&M, 9 €
Leggins: X-bags, 5 €
Boots: Vagabond, 60 €
- 2/21/2010 07:01:00 pm