Ich sag es ja ungern - aber Weihnachten steht vor der Tür! (immer diese abgedroschenen Phrasen...) Ich werde auch dieses Jahr wieder ganz viel selbst machen, und vielleicht werdet ihr das ja auch. Hier zumindest ein paar gesammelte Werke von meinem Blog us den letzten Jahren!
I dislike saying this - but Christmas is just around the corner! (these corny phrases all the time...) I will make a lot of the gifts myself again, and maybe you will, too. As an inspiration, here are some collected DIYs from my blog from the past years!

Lavender Bags

Cherry Stone Pillow

Chocolate Sugar Scrub

Patchwork Pillowcase

Handmade Notebooks and Matching Pencils

Bath Aromas

Flavoured Salts

Beeswax Candles

Fox Pencil Holder

Stamped Lyrics

3 Different Vegan Spreads (why not, right?)

Board Game (Part 1 and Part 2)
I dislike saying this - but Christmas is just around the corner! (these corny phrases all the time...) I will make a lot of the gifts myself again, and maybe you will, too. As an inspiration, here are some collected DIYs from my blog from the past years!
Lavender Bags
Cherry Stone Pillow
Chocolate Sugar Scrub
Patchwork Pillowcase
Handmade Notebooks and Matching Pencils
Bath Aromas
Flavoured Salts
Beeswax Candles
Fox Pencil Holder
Stamped Lyrics
3 Different Vegan Spreads (why not, right?)
Board Game (Part 1 and Part 2)
- 11/29/2014 04:11:00 pm