Knee High Socks
1/11/2011 09:09:00 pm
Mein heutiger Tag war von den drei wichtigen "Dingen" in meinem Leben und Alltag bestimmt: Uni, Arbeit und Stall (Aidan zähle ich nicht als Alltag). Zur Zeit ist es ziemlich warm hier, knapp über null, und das nutze ich gnadenlos aus.
Today's day was ruled by the three big and important "things" in my (all-day) life: uni, work and stable (I don't count Aidan as all-day life). It's pretty warm here at the moment, just above zero degrees, and I'm definitely taking advantage of that.
Cardigan: Mango, about 12 € (?)
Scarf: Madonna, 2,55 €
Dress: Primark, £3
Belt: charity shop, 50p
Tights: Primark, £1
Socks: christmas gift from my grand-ma
Shoes: hand-me-down from my great-aunt
Scarf: Madonna, 2,55 €
Dress: Primark, £3
Belt: charity shop, 50p
Tights: Primark, £1
Socks: christmas gift from my grand-ma
Shoes: hand-me-down from my great-aunt

Scarf: H&M, 2 €
Coat: Primark, £29
Bag: X-bags, 3 €
Coat: Primark, £29
Bag: X-bags, 3 €