IKEA Trip In A Bike Shirt
9/27/2010 08:40:00 pm
Heute ging's zu IKEA. Ich brauchte nichts bestimmtes, aber genau für sowas ist IKEA ja gut. Man findet definitiv immer etwas, auch wenn man eigentlich gar nichts braucht. Außerdem macht es Spaß, ewig durch die Markthalle zu laufen und sich alles anzugucken.
Hier regnet es schon den dritten Tag in Folge, was sonst soll man also auch machen?
Today we went to IKEA. I didn't need anything in particular, but for exactly that IKEA is perfect. You definitely always find something, even though you don't need anything. And it is fun to walk around in the market hall for ages.
It's raining here for the third day in a row, so what else are you supposed to to anyway?
Shirt: Tropics Moden, 1 €
Earrings (came in a pack of 8): Primark, 1 £
Belt: Primark, 1 £
Skirt: ebay, about 3 €
Bag: hand-me-down from my great-aunt
Tights: Primark, 2 £
Shoes: hand-me-down from my great-aunt
Earrings (came in a pack of 8): Primark, 1 £
Belt: Primark, 1 £
Skirt: ebay, about 3 €
Bag: hand-me-down from my great-aunt
Tights: Primark, 2 £
Shoes: hand-me-down from my great-aunt