Meine Lieben, ich wünsche euch ein tolles Silvester heute und einen guten Rutsch! Ich werde bei Julia von Funkelfaden feiern und freue mich, das neue Jahr mit tollen Menschen um mich herum starten zu können. Wir sehen uns in 2017!

Hello everyone, I wish you all a great New Year's Eve and a good start to the new year! I will celebrate at Julia's place from the Funkelfaden blog and look forward to start the new year with great people around me. See you in 2017!
P.S.: Old photo of Isaac but too cute not to share again!
Hello everyone, I wish you all a great New Year's Eve and a good start to the new year! I will celebrate at Julia's place from the Funkelfaden blog and look forward to start the new year with great people around me. See you in 2017!
P.S.: Old photo of Isaac but too cute not to share again!
- 12/31/2016 10:49:00 am