Wenn ihr Lust habt, mal mit einem kleinen aber liebevoll gemachten Hobbyblog zusammenzuarbeiten, dann meldet euch gern bei mir! Bei Almost Stylish gibt es viele Kategorien: Outfits, Rezepte, Selbermach-Ideen, Beauty und das Schöne am täglichen Leben. Schreibt mir einfach an AlmostStylish(at)gmail.com!

If you want to work with a small but lovingly made hobby blog, don't be shy and contact me! Almost Stylish covers many categories: personal style, recipes, DIY and gift ideas, hair and make up as well as the beauty of daily life. Just e-mail me at AlmostStylish(at)gmail.com!
If you want to work with a small but lovingly made hobby blog, don't be shy and contact me! Almost Stylish covers many categories: personal style, recipes, DIY and gift ideas, hair and make up as well as the beauty of daily life. Just e-mail me at AlmostStylish(at)gmail.com!
- 12/30/2013 04:36:00 pm